Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vol 4

Vol 4

This is a womanifesta
Because sex is not a linear equation it is hyperbolae of divine creation
A multidimensional, extremely flexible, playground for pleasure seeking junkies needing a fix
My body is not a paint by numbers coloring book, it is abstract impressionist perfect imperfection on canvass that can only be felt by the soul
So close your eyes, pretend you are blind and read me as if my skin was a parchment of braille
There is no one size fits all blue print to an orgasm
Sultry silky Stimulation accessible from head to toes
Women contain more than two erogenous zones
you don't need to visit them all, just know that it's okay to take different routes every time
More importantly, it's okay to take your time
Explore the curves in the road to ecstasy
Don't race me there
Cause truthfully I could leave you stranded and standing at attention
Wouldnt you rather be straddled or tied up in loves affection?
Cause This womanifesta
Is a reminder
That physical love is to be enjoyed
Our bodies are to be cherished, appreciated, praised with tongues, hands, mouths, biting, passion, licking, spankings, toys (oh toys), eyes, asses an anything else you can think of that will get the job done
It's not always necessary to orgasm as long as I cum and at the end of it all we had some fun
Whether its just me and you or us and everyone

Sorry bout typos..: love & light

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