Thursday, January 30, 2014


Inspired to write of the delight I get from being around you
No one else has the effect that you do
Bag it up and sell it
Mami you are a drug
You got me lifted
Feigning for you love
Wondering what it smells, tastes, feels like
I be like
Those addicts on 25th
Only breathing because it feels right
And I want you
Every last drop of your body
The liquor talking for me
Saying all the things
I'm too shy to say
You've been the bright

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bus rides on Harlem

I've decided 

That from now on

Every time

Any time

I am met with unwanted stares of passerby 

Be it curiosity, bewilderment, adoration or side-eye

I will smile

A small defensive action of grace

For them 

An opportunity to save face

Who knows

It may be exactly what they needed today. 

-jsc 2014

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, January 27, 2014

Winter in NY


(Natives not transplants)

Stop acknowledging the weather as if this cold was unexpected

As if winter was a lark only spoken of in fairy tales

You knew it was coming

Don't act surprised

Nor be unprepared

Break out the goose down and strut yourself wherever you please

Because one day you'll wake up

And suddenly

It will be spring

-JSC 2014

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sour grapes

The real shame of it is that I will write love poems for you until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east
In a fickle attempt to turn back time
And unmake these oceans I still shed in silence
every day
As I watch the gap between us ever widening
With growth spurts and short skirts
I chase empty love affairs to fill the canyons you left
Captured in Polaroid image
Their faces fade in record time
Recollections of names get mixed in with memories of our early days
Heinekens & Jameson shots,
Dancing in the dark
Tangled bodies
Cigarette breaks without ashtrays during 8 hour marathons
The first time you said you loved me
I lived until I died at your hands
Yet still I will write you love poems until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east
Until am young again and a woman you desire
The woman I aspire to be is the one of your dreams
I slave away for you
Chained to a greatness too huge to hold inside me
So I birthed it into reality
For you
Only for you
I died a little that day
Sacrifices what was meant to be the best of me
Of us
Because you said it was necessary
I selected the worst case scenario
Believing it was best for us
Because you said it was
Because you said it
You loved me
And left me
To be an eye
Peering through the looking glass of hindsight
Makes perspective skewed
Cause I still write love poems for you
I celebrate our creations
The joys of life
Kissing boo boos
hugging colds into oblivion
Battling Lego robots on snow days
Anything for a smile
Giving all I have and finding what I don't to provide security &
Comfort food
Painting trails hoping you will follow
And find me home
waiting for the sun to rise in the west and set in the east
Writing love poems for you.

-JSC 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Before anything,
I am black.
After that
I am woman
But talk to me of black womanhood and you will find a black girl lost
Stuck in a haze of the worlds making
Pinocchio in the grand scheme
Confused by all the outside voices
Pulling me to their depictions of my beauty
What it should be
Lighter then dark
Straighter then kink
But curly is ok
Curly is ok?


Twist me up a new do
Remake me over again
Self declared masters of the universe
so arrogant
to believe they can improve upon perfection
If we're made in gods reflection at what point did we decide her design was not good enough?
I have had enough
My appearance is not neglect
It is love
Care for the gift
For nature was already made perfect
Only humans seem to not approve of what has been provided
Rather we
Would prefer to be divided.
Split into clicks over petty differences
It's all oppressive
These systems in which we live
We cling to like mothers tit
Mother culture,
please hit me again .
I'm faded
And my high is coming down
Black girl lost in a haze of the worlds making
Don't make me over
I love my black
Make me know more
I love my womanhood
You should:
-Know better
-Be better
-Better yet
Learn to see me first.
I am black
I am woman
And I ain't changing for you.

-jsc 2014

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Point of It All

I don't want to be someone who rides the middle,
i want to rise above it
i wanna be better
i wanna soar
i wanna fucking fly
thats why i chose to jump out of a plane on my 29th birthday
I wanted to do something stupid and dangerous just for the hell of it
Just to say I did it
I lived in that moment
i stared down from the doorway
seeing the world for what it is
small and fragile
and little
in the grand scheme of things
but strong
in what it stands for
In what it encompasses
In what it means
to be apart of it
its important

You are important

your imprint
your story
who you are
where you been
where you're going
what you wanna be
and what you wanna do

it all matters

and i wanna be a person that matters
a person of matter
because i care about those things that we all say matter
like love
like people
we build churches and steeples
to get on our knees and pray to a god
that doesn't help us sometimes
it seems like he's not listening
but still we keep on going
we still keep on grinding
climbing higher
to be bigger
and better

so who am i if i'm not trying to be the best of me
fuck riding the middle
i wanna be on the top
i wanna be the creme _____of the muthafucking crop
i wanna keep on rising
and bubbling
and turn shit up
until we pop!
and explode
because do you know what happens when volcanoes explode?
they make new islands
and sometimes those islands are shaped like snoopy
this shit is a true story
there is an island shaped like snoopy
newly formed from a volcano that just exploded and created new land
that wasn't there before
it wasn't there before

I wasn't there before
But my soul has been here before

and i am here now
And I've figured it out

the point of it all is to create things that last

And the point of it all..
And the point of it all..
Is I love you
I do this shit cause i love it
because i love you
because i love me
and i know that there's so much more that i could be
then what people expect
of me
There are those that swear they know who the fuck i am
on the daily
i commit myself to not giving a damn about their opinion
who they claim to be
what they say i am
cause i am
a woman with no real place to stay but a home that i carry in my heart
and i am making shit
that lasts

-JSC 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Texas Hold Em'

On some days
I sit by her side when shes got stars in her eyes wishing for you to come around
some days, you're all she thinks about
combining past experience with present circumstance
but it leaves the psyche confused
and the libido a little less then amused
when  you're in her thoughts rotation.

And it isn't fair how you taunt her with your butterfly wings,
they shine in your eyes when you smile,
she says, she is always trying to make you smile
she would tickle you, if you didn't hate it
but she is mesmerized  by your fire, no matter the tone
she says your voice seduces her from across the room
it bellows...
           inside of her..
it echoes..
           in her darkness,
each vibration, a crack in her defenses
and i'm sure she would lay down her arms,
if you set down yours
if you'd let go of the memory
the mistakes made in a transitional state
when her life was heavy
she was still learning to carry the weight
and along you came
at a meteoric rate
seemingly uninterested in anything  else but self
 seeming to be jumping from one relationship into the next and she couldn't get down like that
back then

     i know
it wasn't that much time ago
 but it was time enough for her to earn a little extra and get her shit together
so she'd have real time for you and not that bullshit that you accepted
she just wanted to be able to treat you better
but you took it as an insult, to say it was all her fault, thats more of a cop out
cause if you wanted to see her
                              wouldn't you have gone with her?
taken her home, not sent her out drunken with some folks she really didn't know?
not that anything happened
but it just so happens that you never ever asked her if she knew them
 i don't mean to throw salt on a wound but
its just something you should consider,
personal responsibility in the choices we make
go a long way to shaping the perception of others
but she doesn't seem to want any others
she just wants to be with you
I think she's confused, she says,
(her) heart is begging for answers
but  (i) brain doesn't have a clue        what to tell her                            
                       when                                                          she says
her  third eye's vision is clouded
 when its gaze lands on you
this camaraderie is so damn comfortable yet the nonchalance is
 she keeps being a friend when there's clearly more between you
you keep going along,  all business as usual, and i'm sure you know exactly what you do when you do what you doin
whatever it is,
please for  "my friend's" sake
either go all in
or step away from the table.